Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-1 (CEIP- l): A Baseline
Biodiversity Survey in Representative Polders in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh

Coastal Embankment Improvement Project, Phase-1 (CEIP- l): A Baseline
Biodiversity Survey in Representative Polders in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh

Partner: IWM

Duration: 2019-2020

A new study commissioned by the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) with funding from the World Bank will focus on developing a sustainable solution for polders in Bangladesh. The aim of the project is the development of a clearer understanding of the relationships between the functioning of the polders and the ever-changing large-scale drivers such as human impact on the environment across the entire river basin and changes in climate. The project will last 30 months and will have intense local presence by all international and local experts. DHI (Denmark) and Deltares (Netherlands) are leading the study in association with the Institute of Water Modelling (IWM - Bangladesh), University of Colorado (USA) and Columbia University (USA). (DHI, 2018)

IWM has decided to assign Isabela Foundation to conduct the Baseline ecological study in the representative polders. Isabela Foundation is a scientifically independent foundation of excellence to support the management of natural resources for sustainable socio-economic development using integrated environmental analysis.

The Principal Objectives of the study is to conduct a Baseline Biodiversity Survey in the selected polders, identify the potential impacts and threats and thus prepare a comprehensive management and monitoring plan.